Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mysterious Woman

      I still vividly remember when I saw "the strange white thing" at my grandmother's house which was located in the country side. I visited my grandmother's house with my sister in summer vacation. Because it was 1983, the restroom separated from the house, and there were  only blurry lights. Although I disliked to go to the restroom at night, I went to there with my sister because of her request. When I stood in front of the restroom door, I felt a chill go down my spine. I opened the door, and I felt my hair raising. A woman who dressed Korean traditional white costume with black long hair without a face stood there. While I screamed at the top of my lung, I started running  far away. Because my grandmother was in the house, she wasn't that woman at all. Moreover,my grandmother had white short hair and didn't wear traditional costume.  Then, who was she? Whenever I stay in the darkness alone, it reminds  me of the moment I saw the mysterious woman.


  1. >.<~!!!!!!!!!!!!
    KO~You are so poor!You saw this scared thing when ....I can't imagine if I have the same experience as you!
    However,I believe there has the ghosts in the world!

  2. woa Ko .... seem so scared ^^ ...I believe that there are many ghosts around us ( of course we can't see them @.@ )

  3. Oh ... the story is .. so so terrible ...

    I think that would be ghosts !! :) just joke

    anyway, you should take care yourself and then

    doing some excercise!! I will be good for you!

  4. WOW have you seen any ghost?
    I've seen that before when I was young, for I was a weak child XD
    and I usually hear some ghost stories in Millitary base from my friends.
    I guess you were very scared... be careful!
