Wednesday, April 6, 2011

About Ko

        I have three daughters, and I live with them in Seattle. My husband lives in Seoul, Korea alone. He is a photographer and camera director. I graduated from Hongik University in Korea, and I majored in Science of Arts and Visual Arts. I had run "Hongik Fine Arts Institute" for more than fourteen years.Suddenly, I needed to take a break, to refresh and relearn.That was why I came here.
      The last quarter was just 10 weeks, but I felt like  it 10 months. It was a very hard time for me to study again, but it was worth it.


  1. >.<I'm coming~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    It's cool that you had run your own business for more than fourteen years~~~

  2. It must be hard to be away from your husband and take care of your children while studying English. You are a brave woman!
