Monday, April 11, 2011

My First Valentine's Day in Seattle

      Last Valentine's Day made me gloomy because I was alone. It was a first time for me to spend Valentine's Day alone.  I had dinner as usual at home. When I was in Korea, my husband always prepared some gifts for me. We always ate out on Valentine's Day. I only had received from him. I bought some Valentine's Day gifts for him for the first time, and I sent them to Korea by airmail. Fortunately it was deliverd on exact date. I could hear his excited voice on the phone. It made me feel better. I felt  that giving sometimes made me more happier than taking on Valentine's Day.


  1. Ko, you are so romantic!!!!!!!!!!
    I think Valentine's Day is a special festival for lovers.They should enjoy it.
    I hope you can enjoy your next Valentine's Day.>.<~ ❤~

  2. Hi Ko, i read your story , it's a ramantic story , what a good long distance relationship.

  3. In my thoughts, I couldn't enjoy my next Valentine's Day because I have to stay here alone more than three years.

  4. woa .. it's so sad ... however, I think you still have your daughters . Maybe they can make chocolate, or give you some flowers in order to make you happier :D :D
